
5 Essential Shirts: Our Spring T-Shirt Lookbook

5 Essential Shirts: Our Spring T-Shirt Lookbook

The Pidgeys are chirping, the sun is, for the most part, shining and Spring is beckoning. Refesh your wardrobe with our spring t-shirt lookbook.

The spring t-shirt Lookbook

The warmer weather calls for a renewed outfit, so how about fresh new Pokemon shirts or Zelda tees? We’ve raised our collection and picked out a handful of our favourites for our spring t-shirt lookbook! Each of our tees is exclusive to our collection; coming with a numbered certificate – perfect for collectors! You won’t find these shirts elsewhere!

1) Heating up with the Evolution of Fire shirt

The evolution of fire tops our spring t-shirt lookbook!

Things are certainly heating up! There’s something magical about Charizard; the powerful champion of fire. Charizard is one of the most popular final evolution of the three original starters, with Charmander being the usual first choice. Showcase your strength and love for fire Pokémon with our unique Evolution of Fire shirt! We opted for a cell-shaded, striking orange and grey combo, which highlights the familiar shapes of these fiery beasts. Want to tame your Charizard? This particular tee is an essential piece of Pokemon kit, and number one in our spring t-shirt lookbook.

Shop Evolution of Fire shirt

2) Explore the world with Breath of the Shirt

Don't go without our Shirt of the Wild! Number 2 in our spring t-shirt lookbook

With more daylight creeping in, Spring is the perfect time to grab that Nintendo 3DS or Switch and go exploring! With Breath of the Wild being one of the best Zelda experiences for many adventurers, we wanted to capture that feeling on a tee. Our Shirt of the Wild design blends the familiar Legend of Zelda style with a more tribal touch. Without giving too much away, the new game dives deep into Zelda lore. With that in mind, this design aims to capture the classic Hylian feel in a unique spin on the Zelda icons. This tee is a must have for any fan of the series!

Shop Shirt of the Wild Shirt

3) 2017: the Year of the Rooster

Can't have a spring t-shirt lookbook without our 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster!

2017 is already in full swing, with days gobbled up in the blink of a Shiekah eye. 2017 also marks the Year of the Rooster, one that promotes true strength of character. Interestingly, it’s also one of the rare years that is specifically for the “Fire Rooster”. Because of this, we brewed something a little bit different – a pixel hybrid design for a little fire chicken. Torchic is one of the most adorable little Pokemon critters. He also happens to be an adorable Fire Rooster; small but tough and resourceful! Revamp your 2017 look with a tribute to this little guy.

Our Year of the Fire Rooter top was also featured on the Commander Holly mailbag video recently!

Shop Year of the Fire Rooster

4) The best way to catch them all

Find all the Pokemon!

We were super excited when Niantic released even more critters to snag in Pokemon Go. The second generation of misfits are certainly one of the more memorable generations. Umbreon? Espeon? Consider us, sold! It may have been a slightly chilly start to catching the newbies, but with Spring in the air, it’s time to head back out! Grab your Pokeballs (or should we say, phones) and get catching! Look the part of the aspiring Pokemon trainer with our tee inspired by the game. Combining a Pokeball with a Radar? That’s our There are Monsters Nearby Tee. Beep, beep, bloop!

Shop There are Monsters Nearby Tee

5) Three familiar pixel friends

An instant pixel classic. Party down like it's 1996!

There’s something that’s instantly recognisable about these three critters! Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur; the three very first starters. Whether it’s back in 1996/1998, or more recently in Pokemon Go, there’s something very special about these three! Our Triple Threat shirt is our most popular from the collection; colourful, simple and infused with retro vibes. This particular design is perfect for Pokemon fans and aspiring trainers.

Shop Triple Threat shirt

So there we have it, our spring t-shirt look-book for 2017 – fresh, colourful and exclusive tees that you won’t find elsewhere. Which of these designs is your favourite? Let us know with a comment below!


About J

J is TeeChu's founder and resident artist, a big Sonic and Zelda fan. Born and raised on hedgehogs and forest adventures!