Hello, you wonderful lot you! Here are some bits you can download / use in any stories, posts etc.
Entirely up to you as to how you’d like to use any of these bits / promote! Only thing that’d be great is if you could
mention the other co-hosts where possible, and that’s it!
If you need anything else, lemme know! Yay!
High Res Logos:
- Logo / Transparent background – black text
- Logo / Transparent background – white text
- Logo / Transparent background with red bar
Instagram Stories:
Please mention yer co-hosts on your Insta stories/posts where possible, something like:
Co-hosted by this wonderful lot: @teechudesigns @sir_liamthelegend @the.nintendogamer @littleaimeekins @nintenbros64 @cheezyc64
- Prompts / Theme list
- Teaser story
- Day 1 story – Merch
- Day 2 story – Pokemon
- Day 3 story – Consoles
- Day 4 story – Handhelds
- Day 5 story – Toys
- Day 6 story – Zelda
- Day 7 story – Mario
Instagram Posts:
Please mention yer co-hosts on your posts where possible, something like:
Co-hosted by this wonderful lot: @teechudesigns @sir_liamthelegend @the.nintendogamer @littleaimeekins @nintenbros64 @cheezyc64
Twitter / Facebook optimised:
For Twitter, please mention yer co-hosts where poss: @teechudesigns @littleaimeekins @cheezyc64 Sir_LiamtheLegend nintenbros64