
Introducing New Gaming Badges as the Perfect Retro Accessory

Introducing New Gaming Badges as the Perfect Retro Accessory

We’ve created five exclusive badges packs that celebrate classic adventures in fantasy worlds to space battles across the galaxy – if you’re a gamer you’ll need these gaming badges! There’s something universal and special about pin badges; the perfect way to show your dedication to games, shows and comics you love. Whether it’s adding a finishing touch to an outfit or adding to a growing badge collection, we have you covered with exclusive gaming and anime badge packs! The first five gaming badges sets take on a distinctively retro flavour, perfect gems for any Nintendo or video game fan, the aspiring Pokémon trainer or space pilot.

Our badges are printed on high quality gloss-backed badges, each 37mm round and ready to pop onto your hat, bags, straps, magnetic boards – anything that’ll house a badge or two!

For a limited time we’re offering 3 for 2 on all badges – buy any 2 packs, get 1 free!
Shop gaming badges packs ▶


Gaming badges for classic adventures

Feel the power of the Triforce surge through your gear with our 8-Big Adventures Zelda pin badge set. Inspired by Nintendo’s RPG series, we took across familiar elements of hero Link’s quest – drawing the pixel detail into his bow, a classic rupee and also the three scaled Triforce itself. We’re big fans of The Legend of Zelda here at TeeChu, so won’t be embarking on our next adventure without these little gems!

Gaming badges inspired by Zelda

8-Bit Adventures Badge Set

Insert coin for retro badges

There’s something about retro arcade games that gamers young and old love – the simple, timeless pixel designs are just so iconic. Pac-Man, Mario, Donkey Kong, Space Invaders; addictive arcade experiences that are still popular today. Picking icons for our Arcade Action retro badges set was a difficult feat indeed! Inspired by the 8-bit days of old are four classic 80s icons that will inject a little retro flavour into your gear.


Arcade Action Pin Badge Set

Shot the space baddies and earn gaming badges

Who doesn’t love to blast baddies in space? Nintendo’s Star Fox series is a firm favourite here at TeeChu HQ, with many hours spent trying to tally up high scores and save the universe from a deranged ape/brain hell-bent on galactic destruction. The series has four popular pilots, the Star Fox crew, and we wanted to capture their likeness for four pin badge medals. These gaming badges will have you soaring to space in no time!


Lylat Medals Badge Set

Don’t go exploring without these gaming badges

One of the toughest choices any Pokémon trainer can make – which of these adorable little Kanto starters to pick (unless you’re Ash Ketchum) – Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur? Well, our Starter Kit gives you all three with ickle pixel designs inspired by the original Game Boy games from back in 1996. Pikachu also joins the adventure as, well, could you say no to that adorable little mouse? We sure couldn’t! These Pokémon inspired gaming badges are a must have for any trainer as they bring a little pixel power to your gear as you head out into the big wild world.


Starter Kit Badge Set

Catch them all with our Wild Monster Traps gaming badges

Any Pokémon trainer can recall that moment where you’ve thrown a Pokeball and it’s those crucial seconds before the little red light flashes. Those painful, few seconds, waiting. But the iconic Pokeball are essential for catching them all, whether it’s the purest standard red ball or a Masterball to nab the elusive… Pidgey, or perhaps, Mewtwo. Our Wild Monster Traps are essential for any Pokemon trainer, with four badges to level up your outfit.

Gaming badges inspired by Pokemon

Wild Monster Traps Badge Set

Which of our badge packs is your favourite and what would you like to see in future packs? Let us know in the comments!


About J

J is TeeChu's founder and resident artist, a big Sonic and Zelda fan. Born and raised on hedgehogs and forest adventures!