There’s something therapeutic about colouring in! Whether it’s a post-it note doodle or a fully blown landscape; there’s a simple joy to filling in the gaps. With many of you spending as much time at home as possible during the Corvid-19 outbreak, why not try a little colouring in?
A Free Geeky Colouring Book for you!
Inspired by our fellow artists, here’s a free mini book of our favourite line and pixel art for you to download! The colouring sheets include powerful Mario items, an iconic dinosaur and even a page to whip up a brand new Pokéball!
So, grab a marker, a colouring pencil or a blob of paint and get creative! If you don’t have a printer to hand, why not open the PDF in Photoshop instead?
Be sure to tag us in your posts/stories with #ColouringAtHome – we’d love to see what you come up with!
Download Your Free Colouring Sheets
The benefits of colouring in
We’ve done it from a young age; there’s something familiar and comforting about colouring in. It comes with a lot of health benefits – said to reduce stress/anxiety, improve your focus and your sleep. When self-isolating or simply wanting a little down-time, colouring in can be a great way of lifting your mood.
A little request from us
Feel free to share the sheets with anyone who’d love to colour! The artwork is from gaming tees and prints – so please don’t re-use any of the artwork as your own without permission.